Your business dreams are well within your reach with yowza!©

Unlock a world of expert support on our platform, connecting you with virtual coaches dedicated to fostering your development and growth. yowza!© Gurus complement our online resources, they will answer questions about training courses, assess your assignments and give feedback on funding applications.
Frequently asked questions
Get quick answers to your questions by engaging with our online help links on every page – or contact us to help you with something out of the ordinary.
You do not have to convert your business to a private company, you can continue to operate as a CC, however, there are many benefits to having a private company over a CC. The main benefit is that a private company is a separate juristic person meaning that the shareholders have limited liability when it comes to the debts of the company.

Complete our funding self-assessment tool to ensure that you are funding-ready. Our questionnaire unlocks a detailed assessment of your business against the generic criteria set by funders and investors.
Then go ahead and apply to funders, making sure that you add whatever specific requirements they may have, or, for a small fee, you can ask our team to assess your status and give you advice.
If you are funding-ready, we may submit a funding application to one of the more than 200 funding partners who work strategically with us.
Discover your funding-readiness and use our Campus and Resource Hub to fill in the gaps
Connect with funders on your own or through our expert team
Thrive when you get the funds to move your business forward
Elevate your business to new heights by identifying and engaging with statutory or industry bodies for registration, accreditation, and certification processes. This exciting opportunity not only ensures compliance with industry standards but also is the key that unlocks scale and robust growth.
Give your business a competitive edge and position yourself as a trusted and reputable entity in the market.